Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Skateboard Rescue Buzz Lightyear Toy Story Mega Action toy review Disney Pixar

Disney/Pixar Toy Story Skateboard Rescue Buzz Lightyear: Inspired by characters from the hit Disney/Pixar film series, Toy Story. Get Buzz out of his box and onto this skateboard. With sounds and phrases, Mega Action Buzz is ready to engage in a mega-session. Slots on the skateboard fit his boots perfectly for a balanced ride. Pull Buzz's string to rev him up and send him racing in realistic fashion-the board displays iconic skateboard movement as it toggles back and forth. How far can Buzz go? UPC 746775119461 ASIN: B0063NPLT8 X2935 Inspired by characters from DisneyPixar film series Toy Story Get Buzz out of his box and onto this skateboard With Buzz Lightyear Sounds and Phrases Pull Buzz's string to rev him up and send him racing Featuring realistic skateboard movement as it toggles back and forth Woody, a pull-string sheriff cowboy doll, is the leader of a group of toys that belong to a boy named Andy Davis and come to life when humans are not in sight. With his family moving to a new home and having a party, both one week before his birthday, the toys stage a reconnaissance mission to discover Andy's new presents. Andy receives a space ranger Buzz Lightyear action figure, whose interesting features threaten Woody's position as Andy's favorite toy. Buzz does not realize that he is a toy when Woody attempts to convince him and thinks that he is a real space ranger. In Toy Story 2 The adventures of toys Woody and Buzz Lightyear continue when their owner Andy goes off to summer camp, leaving them to their own devices. Things take a bad turn when an obsessive toy collector kidnaps Woody because he is a highly valuable collector's item. Buzz Lightyear, Mr. Potato Head, Slinky Dog, Rex and Hamm, all leap into action to rescue Woody and get home before Andy returns from camp. In Toy Story 3 the plot focuses on the toys Woody, Buzz Lightyear, and their friends dealing with an uncertain future as their owner, Andy, prepares to leave for college. When their owner clears out his bedroom in preparation for starting college, Woody, Buzz and the rest of the toy-box gang are dumped in the donations box at a local nursery school and find themselves at the mercy of a horde of wild, sticky-fingered toddlers. As they struggle to stay together while coping with the chaos, the gang meet a new bunch of toys led by pink teddy bear Lotso, while Barbie is at last united with her male counterpart, Ken. The yearning to return home cannot be ignored, however, and many comical adventures ensue as the toys make a series of elaborate escape attempts. O brinquedo favorito de Andy Davis, um menino com oito anos, é um cowboy de pano, o Xerife Woody. O que Andy não sabe é que quando os humanos não estão olhando os brinquedos ganham vida. Woody é considerado o líder dos brinquedos do quarto do Andy. Woody é amigo de Slinky, um cão com molas, Porquinho, o cofrinho-porquinho, Sr. Cabeça de Batata, o clássico brinquedo da Hasbro, Rex, o T-Rex de brinquedo e etc... O aniversário de Andy é antecipado, e os brinquedos entram em pânico, com medo de serem trocados e esquecidos. Woody pede ao Sargento Verde e ao seu batalhão para se esconderem com uma escuta no andar de baixo. Andy não ganha nenhuma "ameaça", mas lhe dão um presente surpresa: uma moderna e sofisticada figura de ação: o patrulheiro espacial Buzz Lightyear. Buzz desperta ciúme em Woddy, já que Andy está fazendo o de herói das suas brincadeiras. Mas parece que Buzz veio com um defeito de fabricação: ele acha que é um verdadeiro patrulheiro espacial. Será que Buzz e Woddy viraram amigos? Andy irá para a faculdade e terá que decidir o que fazer com seus brinquedos. Se vai mandá-los para o lixo ou guardá-los no sótão. Ele resolve guardá-los e colocá-los em um saco (exceto Woody, que irá para a faculdade). Porém, sua mãe confunde o saco de brinquedos com o saco de lixo e os brinquedos acabam no lixo. Quando os brinquedos conseguem se livrar do caminhão de lixo, Woody explica que Andy os guardaria no sótão, mas ninguém acredita, então eles acabam indo para a creche Sunnyside. Quando chegam em Sunnyside, todos os recepcionam muito bem, e os brinquedos vêem uma chance de melhorar de vida. Porém Woody, que nunca concordou em abandonar Andy, sai da creche e tenta voltar para casa. Já os brinquedos acabam descobrindo que Sunnyside não é tão agradável como imaginavam. "Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue" "To Infinity and Beyond" toys brinquedos "Toy Story new toys" "Toy Story Operation Escape" "Pixar toys channel" toys Toy Story skateboard Buzz Lightyear mega action Buzz mega action Woody turbo chopping Buzz Lightyear Toy Story 3 toys slinky hamm blucollection Disney Pixar brinquedos carrinhos skate skateboard skateboard rescue Buzz Skateboarding toy story toy story youtube channel Jessie (Toy Story) Woody (Toy Story) RC's RCs new toy story Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue to infinity and beyond Jessie woody Buzz you are a toy Toy Story new toys

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